Our Community and House of Hope
HOH Community
Substance abuse, whether it is alcohol or drug abuse, ruins lives-----
It ruins the life of the individuals, his family, and our community.
The cost for one year is one trillion dollars which includes health care expenditures, lost earnings, and costs associated with crime and accidents.
Every $1 invested in addiction treatment programs yields a return of $12 in reduced drug-related crime, criminal justice costs, and theft.
When a student completes our one year program, our hope is for them to return to their families, renewed in Christ, and free from the chains that tied them to substance abuse. These men can become productive citizens with families and jobs and a goal to go forth and be an example to the community.
What Can House of Hope Do For You?
Provide a drug abuse prevention program for men.
Our men would appreciate the opportunity to participate in your worship services.
Present an informative program at meetings about the House of Hope.
Provide logo shirts and other items for sale at a very reasonable cost.
Provide tours of our campus.
Serve as a point of referral for those battling substance abuse.
What Can You Do For House of Hope?
Allow us to share the story of House of Hope with your organization.
Support our Mission through prayer.
Support our program by sponsoring a student or making a contribution.
Assist us in finding job placement for our students.
Utilize our t-shirt fundraising program.
Be a part of our capital campaign for our new home.